
ApiSales and the poppies of the Champagne region


Apis Mellifera , a European bee, is a domestic honey making bee of European origin. It is one of the bee species kept on a large scale to produce honey subject to the Varroa Destructor mite, the main parasite, the bees are born with stunted wings and cannot gather pollen to feed themselves.

"Apisales" is an allusion to bees for whom the "Happy Sales" of honey contribute to giving wings to both the bees and the beekeepers who keep them and protect them from this parasite.

The poppy, sign of biodiversity, colours the fields, fallows land and path borders with red splashes. The bees visit the poppies intensively for their pollen. What they percieve is not the colour of the poppies but the strong percentage of ultra-violet light that their petals reflect, which is a powerful stimulus for them.

The poppy, which has notably inspired impressionist painters (we have to thank Monet for many paintings of poppy fields), is a favourite subject with flower painters. Its name is a variant of the old French “coquerico”, designating the cock by the sound of its crow. It is a metaphor between the colour of the flower and that of the cock's crest.

In the language of flowers,the poppy embodies the "fragile fervor" symbolised likewise by the bee. In association with the cornflower and the daisy, it is the floral emblem of France.